Warm Beet Salad..!Β 

Warm Beet Salad..!
My love for beets is growing stronger day by day ..😍

Now even hubby dear has started to complain.. he says I think of the beet more than I think of him.. Lol!! But what can I do.. He’s the one responsible for this situation.. since he’s the one who got that bag full of big fat & juicy beets!

So how could I resist that vibrantly colourful veggie just calling me to try something new?

I got to taste this salad last summer , made by my sister in law , as one of the sides for a barbecue party. I loved it & promptly took the recipe from her too. But then was not so prompt to make it ..!

So the memory stayed & the wish to make it remained.. & was finally put into action with the arrival of this chilly winter season..!

I tweaked the original recipe a bit , & this salad turned out to be a scrumptious meal on its own.. with a range of flavors & textures. Serve it as a side with barbecued or grilled meat, chicken or fish.. or with some rice & dal .. or just rustle up a bowl just by itself.. it’s a winner all ways! 😊

1 large or 2 medium beets, baked or boiled till tender ( or use canned beets)

1/4 cup spring onion whites & greens, sliced

A small bunch of coriander , leaves & stems, chopped

A handful of mint leaves , roughly torn

A handful of walnuts, lightly toasted

A few orange segments ( optional)
For the dressing :

2-3 cloves garlic , mashed

Juice of one lemon

Juice of half a small orange

2-3 tbsps olive oil

2 tbsps pomegranate molasses

Salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper

Bake the beetroot in a pre heated oven for 30-40 minutes , till tender , or boil till cooked.

Peel and dice the beet in bite sized cubes . Keep aside.

Now in a small bowl add the garlic & all the ingredients for the dressing & whisk till blended well.

In a bowl add the diced beets, the sliced spring onion greens, the chopped coriander & mint leaves.

Pour the prepared dressing on the veggies & toss till nicely coated . Now add some toasted, chopped walnuts. Add some orange segments if desired.

Toss well & taste & adjust flavors.

Garnish with some more chopped walnuts & some mint leaves.

Serve warm. Savor the sweet, sour, minty,nutty & totally delicious flavors ..

Do try ..& Enjoy..!! 😊

I forgot to add the orange segments in the salad bowl .. but later added some to my bowl.. Beets & oranges are delicious together.. !

Good quality canned beets can also be used in this recipe , if you are pressed for time!

Play around with the ingredients & make it your own creation! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜πŸ˜Š

Live & Let Live…with Love!!! πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’œβ€οΈ

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